Community-led design
Services and products designed with your community.
Design services and products that meet the needs of your community. Build trust and reputation within those communities.
Our 5-step process
Master community-led collaboration.
Recruit community participants.
Learn service design skills together with the community. Build a bond and understand your problem statement.
Run a community-led design cycle. Solve a valuable problem. Launch and learn from a pilot.
Interpret and act on the results of the design cycle and pilot.
We’re with you on every step of the journey. We facilitate the process, run the training and manage the project.
Service design
Systems thinking
Community engagement
Customer satisfaction
Our vision
Services and products that meet the needs of the communities they exist for.
Our mission
We’re on a mission to give the skills to all organisations to be able to run effective community-led design cycles. We facilitate cycles and teach core skills. Your experts and community leaders take it from there.